The Chicago Plumbing Code

§ 18-29-419


§ 18-29-419.1 Approval.

Urinals shall conform to ASME A112.19.2, CSA B45.1 or CSA B45.5. Urinals shall conform to the water consumption requirements of Section § 18-29-604.4. Urinals shall conform to the hydraulic performance requirements of ASME A 112.19.6, CSA B45.1 or CSA B45.5.

§ 18-29-419.2 Substitution for water closets.

In each bathroom or toilet room, urinals shall not be substituted for more than 50 percent of the required water closets.

§ 18-29-419.3 Urinals for public or employee toilet facilities.

Urinals for public or employee toilet facilities shall have a visible trap seal.

§ 18-29-419.4 Surrounding material.

Wall and floor space to a point 2 feet (610 mm) in front of a urinal lip and 4 feet (1219 mm) above the floor and at least 2 feet (610 mm) to each side of the urinal shall be waterproofed with a smooth, readily cleanable, nonabsorbent material.