The Chicago Plumbing Code

§ 18-29-606

Installation of the Building Water Distribution System.

§ 18-29-606.1 Location of full-open valves.

Full-open valves shall be installed in the following locations:

  1. On the building water service pipe from the public water supply near the curb;
  2. On the water distribution supply pipe at the entrance into the structure;
  3. On the discharge side of every water meter;
  4. On the base of every water riser pipe in occupancies other than multiple family residential occupancies that are two stories or less in height and in one- and two-family residential occupancies etc.;
  5. On the top of every water down-feed pipe in occupancies other than one- and two-family residential occupancies;
  6. On the entrance to every water supply pipe to a dwelling unit, except where supplying a single fixture equipped with individual stops;
  7. On the water supply pipe to a gravity or pressurized water tank;
  8. On the water supply pipe to every water heater.

§ 18-29-606.2 Location of shutoff valves.

Shutoff valves shall be installed in the following locations:

  1. On the fixture supply to each plumbing fixture except one- and two-family or multiple family residential occupancies, or individual guestrooms that are provided with unit shutoff valves in hotels, motels, boarding houses and similar occupancies;
  2. On the water supply pipe to each sillcock;
  3. On the water supply pipe to each appliance or mechanical equipment; and
  4. On water services 1 1/2 inches (40 mm) or larger requiring meters either in the building or in a meter vault, valves shall be installed on the inlet and outlet sides of the meter and as near as practicable thereto. Meters on 1-inch (25 mm) services have a valve on the inlet side only. Valves located in the meter vault shall not eliminate the need for the valve in the building. All such valves shall be accessible for operation at all times.

§ 18-29-606.3 Access to valves.

Access shall be provided to all required full-open valves and shutoff valves.

§ 18-29-606.4 Valve identification.

Service and hose bibb valves shall be identified. All other valves installed in locations that are not adjacent to the fixture or appliance shall be identified, indicating the fixture or appliance served.

§ 18-29-606.5 Water pressure booster systems.

Water pressure booster systems shall be provided as required by Sections § 18-29-606.5.1 through § 18-29-606.5.10.

§ 18-29-606.5.1 Hydropneumatic system, booster pump system, gravity tank.

When the water pressure in the city water main is insufficient to furnish an adequate water supply for any purpose in any building, structure or premises, a hydropneumatic system, booster pump system, or gravity tank shall be installed.

§ 18-29-606.5.1.1 Requirements.

All hydropneumatic systems shall consist of a water pump or pumps and a pressure tank and shall be provided with controls to insure complete automatic operation. The material and construction of the tank shall be in accordance with the ASME Rules for the Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels, Section VIII dated 1973.

§ 18-29-606. Pressure relief valve.

Each pump serving such tanks shall have a pressure relief valve on the discharge side capable of relieving water pressure in excess of the designed working pressure of such tanks.

§ 18-29-606. Compression tank.

Each compression tank shall be so connected that the air content thereof shall be no less than 25 percent of its total capacity. Each compression tank shall be provided with a sludge drain pipe which shall be connected to such tank at the lowest level of the bottom section thereof and shall discharge through an indirect connection into the drainage system with a minimum air gap of 6 inches (150 mm).

§ 18-29-606. Sludge drain pipe.

Each sludge drain pipe shall be equal in size to the inlet pipe but need not exceed 2 inches (50 mm) and shall be provided with a control valve having a clear waterway equal in area to that of the sludge drain pipe.

§ 18-29-606.5.1.2 Booster pump system.

Booster pump systems may be of the constant speed type or the variable frequency drive type. Each pump or pumps shall have sufficient capacity to furnish an adequate supply of water for any purpose. When one pump is installed it shall run continuously or when a multipump system is installed the lead pump shall run continuously. A pressure reducing valve shall be installed on the discharge side of each constant speed pump.

§ 18-29-606. Gravity tanks.

Gravity tanks operating at atmospheric pressure shall be installed as required by Section § 18-29-606.5.4.

§ 18-29-606. Total pressure.

The water piping system and equipment supplied by the systems enumerated in this section shall be capable of withstanding the total pressure developed by any such system at any elevation in which these pressures occur.

§ 18-29-606. Low pressure cutoff.

When a pump is directly connected to a city water main, a low pressure cutoff switch on the pump shall be installed to prevent the creation of pressures less than 5 psi (35 kPa) on the suction side of the water system and within 5 feet (1525 mm) of the pump suction inlet, and a pressure gauge shall be installed between the shutoff valve and pump.

Exception: Fire pumps.

§ 18-29-606.5.2 Surge tank for pumps.

When a water system in any building, structure or premises is supplied with other than city water or is equipped for service other than from the city mains or which is supplied with city water which has been previously used for any purpose, each service from the city water system shall enter through a receiving tank for the purpose of preventing water from the secondary system from flowing back into the city mains.

§ 18-29-606.5.3 Check valves required.

Check valves which are noiseless in their operation and air chambers of sufficient air cushion capacity shall be installed in the suction pipe and the discharge pipe of each house pump, or other water pressure increasing device. Where such check valves are of the slow-acting type and the operation thereof entirely eliminates the shocks, strains, stresses, and excess noises caused by the operation of such pump or device, the installation of air chambers may be dispensed with.

§ 18-29-606.5.3.1 Approval required.

No check valve shall be installed unless the design and construction thereof shall first have been approved by the commissioner of water.

§ 18-29-606.5.4 Equipment required for tanks receiving city water.

All surge tanks, receiving reservoirs, gravity storage tanks, house storage tanks, or tanks of any description used for receiving or storing city water at atmospheric pressure, shall be supplied an approved slow-acting automatic control valve. The discharge outlet of the control valve shall be directly connected to the receiving unit at a distance of 6 inches (150 mm) above the top of a horizontal overflow pipe. For a vertical overflow pipe, the distance shall be 6 inches (150 mm) plus the diameter of the overflow pipe. The overflow pipe connection shall have an area of not less than twice that of the supply opening.

§ 18-29-606.5.4.1 Sludge drain pipe.

Each tank used for receiving or storing city water shall be provided with a sludge drain pipe which shall be connected to the tank at the lowest level of the bottom section thereof and shall discharge through an indirect connection to the drainage system with a minimum air gap of 6 inches (150 mm).

§ 18-29-606.5.4.2 Size.

Each sludge drain pipe shall be equal in size to the inlet pipe but need not exceed 2 inches (50 mm) and shall be provided with a control valve with a clear waterway equal in area to that of the sludge drain pipe.

§ 18-29-606.5.4.3 Covers and support.

Such tanks shall have bolted watertight covers of the same material as the tank and shall be located and housed to prevent external pollution. The building commissioner shall approve the support for all such tanks before the permit is issued.

(Amend Coun. J. 3-5-03, p. 104990, 48; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, 1)

§ 18-29-606.5.5 Recycling system for vehicle wash installations.

All new or newly remodeled commercial and industrial vehicle wash installations shall be equipped with a water recycling system to conserve water. The system shall be composed of a water reuse tank and all necessary piping to insure the cycling of water for more than one washing operation.

§ 18-29-606.5.6 Potable water inlet control and location.

Potable water inlets to gravity tanks shall be controlled by a ball cock or other automatic supply valve to prevent the tank from overflowing. The inlet shall be terminated as to provide an air gap not less than 4 inches (100 mm) above the overflow.

§ 18-29-606.5.7 Tank drain pipes.

A valved pipe shall be provided at the lowest point of each tank to permit emptying of the tank. The tank drain pipe shall discharge as required for overflow pipes.

§ 18-29-606.5.8 Prohibited location of potable supply tanks.

Potable water gravity tanks or manholes of potable water pressure tanks shall not be located directly under any soil or waste piping or any source of contamination.

§ 18-29-606.5.9 Pressure relief valve requirements.

Each pressure relief valve shall be a minimum of 3/4 inch (20 mm) and shall be equipped with a test lever. In addition, an automatic vacuum relief valve shall be installed on such tanks with a 24-mesh screen of bronze or stainless steel. The area of the screening shall be 50 percent greater than the opening it serves. All equipment of a hydropneumatic system shall be capable to withstand the designed working pressure.

Exception: This section shall not apply to pressurized captive air diaphragm/bladder tanks.

§ 18-29-606.5.10 Pressure relief valves for hydropneumatic tanks.

Every pressure tank in a hydropneumatic pressure booster system shall be protected with a pressure relief valve. The pressure relief valve shall be set at a maximum pressure equal to the rating of the tank. The relief valve shall be installed on the supply pipe to the tank or on the tank. The relief valve shall discharge by gravity to a safe place of disposal.

§ 18-29-606.6 Test of distribution pipes.

The entire water distribution system within buildings shall be tested in the presence of a plumbing inspector utilizing a water or air pressure test. All piping, fittings, valves and equipment except any atmospheric tank shall be tested to 1 1/2 times its designed pressure but not less than 100 psi (690 kPa). When the test pressure exceeds 100 psi (690 kPa) only a hydrostatic test shall be given.