§ 18-29-706
Connections Between Drainage Piping And Fixtures.
§ 18-29-706.1 Connections and changes in direction.
All connections and changes in direction of the sanitary drainage system shall be made with approved drainage fittings. Connections between drainage piping and fixtures shall conform to Section § 18-29-405.
§ 18-29-706.2 Obstructions.
The fittings shall not have ledges, shoulders or reductions capable of retarding or obstructing flow in the piping. Threaded drainage pipe fittings shall be of the recessed drainage type.
§ 18-29-706.3 Installation of fittings.
Fittings shall be installed to guide sewage and waste in the direction of flow. Change in direction shall be made by fittings installed in accordance with Table § 18-29-706.3. Change in direction by combination fittings, side inlets or increasers shall be installed in accordance with Table § 18-29-706.3 based on the pattern of flow created by the fitting. Double sanitary tee patterns shall not receive the discharge of back-to-back water closets and fixtures or appliances with pumping action discharge.